Becoming a therapist and finding your “groove” can take some time. Beginning therapists can often times experience what some would call “Imposter Syndrome”. It can be really uncomfortable as you learn to settle into your new role and begin working from the theoretical perspective that suits you!
As a Licensed Professional Counselor - Supervisor, I believe in providing a nurturing, comfortable place to explore all the feelings that come up as a new therapist as well has help you navigate working with your clients. The supervisor/supervisee relationship is highly intimate and special. I do not work from the viewpoint of knowing better, rather, helping you develop your professional identity and ego as we navigate the ethics and delicacies of being a therapist.
I work from a place of helping you understand and process your own countertransference (feelings you feel towards your clients) as well as help you navigate resistances you will experience with your clients. During our time together, some of your subjective material will come up. My job as supervisor is to help you use your subjective experiences to inform your clinical work. This may sometimes feel like actual therapy. This is why I say that supervision is an intimate experience.
My goal as a supervisor is to help empower you to trust your clinical instinct as well as teach you about the field of psychotherapy. I encourage you to find a good supervisor match while you are working on your clinical hours and professional ego. I believe it is essential to this field!
What I provide:
Weekly in person sessions to go over clients and code of ethics
Availability to consult via phone/text throughout the week
Articles/books/resources pertaining to client issues that arise
Cost $400/mo
Because this relationship is intimate, I encourage meeting a couple of times face to face to determine if we are a good fit! Please contact me to set up an appointment. This is free of charge.